Top 3 Reasons I Was 100% Convinced Donald Trump Must Win The Presidency - Full Explanation

Before reading this, how do you know this isn't just another biased article for Trump? Truth is, I'm not even Republican, I'm libertarian. Also, consider that I'm an immigrant from the Philippines and with the recent Philippine-American ties being separated, my sentiment is that it's a very smart move for the Philippines.

What I'm trying to prove before you read this is that I'm approaching this not from a party bias, but from an objective, fact-based decision.

And if I do my job well, after reading this, you'll gain a deeper, fact-based, more objective look at the candidates and the policies they'll put in place and how they'll run the modern world.

For simplicity, I'll begin with my top 3 reasons on why Donald Trump must become the president of the United States. Before you roll your eyes, hear me out... one of the things that mainstream media has done really well is to make it really unpopular to be a Trump supporter.

But after you read this, I think you'll have a more enlightened view of the election and a stronger grasp of politics.

I'll provide resources, videos, proof, links, the works - to further enlighten yourself on the important matters that pertain to the economy and the hidden truth about both candidates.

Reason #1: Hillary Is Funded and Run By Big Corporations (Special Interest) & Foreign Countries

I need you to pay very close and special attention to this. You cannot miss this. This is by far the number one reason. Here's why 

This is something that's unprecedented.

Hillary Clinton is backed and funded by special interest. Big companies fund her campaign by millions of dollars. Here's why that's important...

If she were to win the election, she will be beholden to those companies. The decisions she makes and the policies that get passed on will be benefiting, if not at least not to the detriment, of those big corporations. You have to understand that those companies have their own agendas and won't necessarily be in the interest of America.

Trump is self-run. He is funding his own campaign along with donations of the people of America. He ensures this by not accepting big donations from corporations and only accepting small donations from individuals.

When Donald Trump becomes president, how he'll run the country will be in alignment with his campaign slogan, to Make America Great Again, which includes incredible reforms in healthcare (making healthcare much cheaper), schooling (getting rid of common core, which is downright terrible for kids in the same reason that government-run institutions will always provide the worst service), making good and reasonable deals with other countries (Trump is one of the best negotiator I've ever seen), and many other things. For more these reforms, go ahead and go to and search "Donald Trump speech".

Reason #2: Hillary Is A Globalist While Trump Is Worried About America's Safety And Prosperity

The Obama administration, which Hillary will be extending, has done its best to police the world at the expense and the detriment of the United States. We are interfering and making deals to the detriment of America. We currently have a win/lose proposition with other nations by providing for them while we get nothing in return and in turn our nation's debt rises at currently an unbelievable $20 Trillion by the end of 2016.

The best deals are founded on win/win propositions. This is what Trump is good at. Trump understands deals and building structures and infrastructures. This is not only a literal advantage but also a metaphorical advantage because America currently is corrupted by politicians beholden to special interest corporations. The government infrastructure must be rebuilt and reorganized.

What Trump is proposing is one of his slogans, "Make America First Again."

This means taking care of our country first. Putting our country first. Making the right choices for our country and our people so that we can prosper as we create win/win situations for our allies.

Because, if we take care of others to our own detriment, then there isn't much really that we can do for them. On the other hand, if we became a great nation once again, we are better able to help other countries and even inspire them to become great as well, which I believe Trump has influenced among the other leaders around the world, to develop strong leadership and strong reforms that benefit the nation self-deservedly.

Remember also that Trump isn't running for President for the money. It's actually a net negative for him to run for President. The truth is, and I'll show you in a moment, that Trump genuinely wants this country to prosper and to be great.

He's been on America's side since the 80's. Watch this short documentary of Donald Trump:

Reason #3: Hillary Is Opening Our Country To Inside Invasion (PROOF Below)

This is very very important and most people don't realize the underpinnings and undercurrent and hidden realities of a nation's immigration policy.

But wait, does this make Trump racist?

That's what the democratic party and the mainstream media will have you believe, and for a very self-interested reason: the left-leaning, democratic party and left-leaning media counts on votes of immigrants and minorities. I'll prove it to you.

But first, you really have to understand the concepts of left-wing and right-wing parties.

The left manages government with socialist ideas (keep in mind that socialist governments is on its way to communist style government) while the right manages government with libertarian ideas (ideas the United States was founded with).

Remember that the democratic party leans towards the left and the republican party leans towards the right. And also remember that the democratic party, with socialistic style of governing, wants bigger government control and the republican party wants less government control. This also means that the left will increase government size by increasing taxes and the right wants smaller government control and decrease taxes.

This, by the way, is why Hillary plans to raise taxes up to 65%. You can read more about that here.

What does that have to do with immigration and why the media and Hillary Clinton will make you believe Trump is racist?

First of all, most of mainstream media are democratic party friendly (left-leaning). They have backers or are owned by left-leaning people. You can prove this to yourself by taking a look at each mainstream media and you'll find that every one of their articles or news reports where they are talking about Trump and Hillary, is obviously biased. What I mean by that is if the network is left-leaning, every single one of their articles will put Trump in a bad light.

Secondly, most immigrants come from primarily socialist countries where there is big government control. They are more likely to vote democrat than republican. To learn more about this issue of media, and racism, check out this amazing video: The Untruth About Donald Trump.

Back to immigration...

Let's put it in this metaphor that I think you'll appreciate...

Let's say someone wanted to enter your house for a place to stay. You're a nice person, so you consider it and say, "Sure, why not."

Then you find out this person's ethical compass is radically different from your own. He's against what you believe in. He oppresses women and yells at your daughter for behaving in a particular way because where he came from, those things aren't allowed.

You're a nice person so you tell him, "Hey sir, this is my house, if you want to stay, you have to integrate and respect the culture we have here."

The person refuses to integrate. What do you do?

You feel unsafe. You're a nice person, but this person cannot stay, for the sake of your family.

This is one of the problems of illegal immigration. It's illegal for the reason that there is no vetting process. YOU DON'T KNOW WHO'S COMING IN YOUR COUNTRY.

Here's why the Left won't acknowledge this problem: because they rely on the votes of illegal immigrants and welfare-seeking people. You will never, for example, hear Hillary say the words "Radical Islam".

If you think that's racist, recognize that even the moderate Islamic community HATES these radical Islamics much in the same way that legal Mexican immigrants don't like illegal Mexican immigrants (which is also the reason why Donald Trump has such a high Mexican vote).

You see, it took my father 8 years of working in the US before he could legally bring me and my family here to the US, legally. We migrated here because we love this country, we love the opportunity here, and every single one of my relatives in the Philippines could only dream of coming here.

There are much more to illegal immigration than that. For a more enlightening perspective, check out this video on The Truth About Immigration & Welfare:

Before I end my top 3 reasons why Donald Trump, let's put the whole racist, sexist, bigoted meme that the corrupt media has on Donald Trump and end it here once and for all. Watch this:

Those are my top 3 reasons. I hope you found them helpful in your decisions. Remember to please vote on November. If you don't vote, you're voting for the party that you don't want running this country!

Wait... This Is Actually Pretty Scary...

See The Video Where I Show You: "Obama's Legacy - Where The US Economy Is Headed ('The Debt Trap')"

An Education On The Economy & Where The US Economy Is Headed & How It Affects Your Voting Decisions On November!

Also, here's a great documentary about Hillary Clinton: "Hillary Clinton Exposed: The Movie She Banned"

To have a better understanding of how economy works at a global scale, check out this video: Hidden Secrets of Money

Also, as you're watching the upcoming presidential debates, consider that Hillary is a politician and will do or say anything to get elected. Watch this video:

Why You Should Go Out On November 8 And Vote Trump

I you haven't registered to vote, this is the year it's absolutely critical that you do.

How the election pans out will determine the future of America since it's the only election where a candidate has gone against the corrupt establishment - unprecedented in history - where the democratic party and the unbelievably dishonest media (propagating Trump is "racist" - DEBUNKED here: "What Trump Did To Blacks & Jews 30 Years Ago Just Surfaced... This Could Change The Election") is scrambling in chaos... and even the republican party is sabotaging his campaign from the inside.

Being self-run and not taking any special interest donations makes it so big corporations that want control of the country is scrambling to ensure he doesn't win. If Hillary wins, our Keynesian-based economy will SURELY go into hyper-inflation (for an education on this, see: Hidden Secrets Of Money).

If Trump wins, we have a chance.

Hillary will increase taxes up to 65%. Trump will lower taxes from 35% to 15%. Hillary will be a continuation of the expensive monopoly-based Obamacare. Trump will use free-market dynamics to lower healthcare and base it on competition (capitalism) rather than government monopoly (communism/socialism).

Hillary will open borders (the death of American culture). Trump will have strong borders and vetting processes (retain American culture).

Hillary is backed by multiples of special interest big corporations (big corporations have control of how the country is run) and also funded by foreign interests (see "pay for play" - video below...

Trump is self-run and only takes donations from citizens - on an average of $60 per (country will be run like an actual democracy).

Hillary is inclined to start a war with Russia. Donald Trump wants to make good deals with other nations. Video below shows PROOF:

Hillary wants to keep common core (government controls where your kids go to school). Trump will get rid of common core (you get to choose where your kid goes to school). To see the second presidential debate to see the disparity between the two candidates (well, actually it's the moderators AND Hillary against Trump), watch here: Trump VS Hillary Presidential Debate II

If you haven't registered to vote, register to vote. On November, go out and vote. The Democrats are SURELY going to rig the ballots just like they rigged it against Bernie (proof here: Hidden Cam: Democrats Rig Voting Booths).

In essence, a win for Hillary is a win for socialism and a continued spiral to hyper-inflation of the economic system. A win for Trump is a win for free-market ideologies (where he's spent his life for over 3 decades) and a chance for America to head into the direction of prosperity.

Share these ideas with at least 3 people and get them to share it with 3 people and so on. Let's make America great again.

People You Have To Follow (REAL Journalists & Resources I Look To For Political Facts)

Here are some resources you have to follow for real political philosophy that'll make you politically smarter and more savvy:

1 - My favorite: Stefan Molyneux:

  Youtube Twitter

2 - Mike Cernovich

3 - Lou Dobbs


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Top 3 Reasons I Was 100% Convinced Donald Trump Must Win The Presidency - Full Explanation Top 3 Reasons I Was 100% Convinced Donald Trump Must Win The Presidency - Full Explanation Reviewed by Rone John on 6:22:00 AM Rating: 5

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